President's Message

Eng. Prof S B S Abayakoon
Fellow Engineers,Dear Readers
COVID-19 or the New Coronavirus has become a global outbreak within a very short period of time endangering the lives of all human beings of the planet. Just like most of the other countries in the world Sri Lanka is also swallowed by this pandemic. Since the official confirmation of the first patient, the decease has been spreading rapidly and the government with the dedicated and continued efforts of health professionals, armed forces and the general public is battling the spread with satisfactory results.
Even in the past, pandemics such as ‘Spanish Flue’ lead to the death of over 40 million people demonstrating how catastrophic pandemics can be. Pandemics of COVID 19 type would not only place extraordinary and sustained demands on the public health and medical care systems, but would also burden the providers of essential services and strain the operations of all businesses. In such cases it is expected that more than 50% of the population will be absent from daily routine work there by significantly affecting the economy of the nation. In this context, engineering community is faced with the challenge of continually supplying essential services such as water, electricity, telecommunication, logistics and so on.
Engineering is commonly defined as “The application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems “. When we try to find solutions to such issues it is important to use “scientific and mathematical principles” to design processes and systems to mitigate the seriousness and consequences of the pandemic. Our solutions should not only assist and improve efforts of all citizens to overcome the difficulties, but also should be reliable and dependable so that they are confident in using them.
Co-operation with other professionals is essential even in the supply of basic needs as the needs are changing due to the prevailing conditions. It is heartening to know members of IESL have identified this and are working together with many other groups in the country to control the pandemic. We are demonstrating our true potential and our ability to be team players which is of paramount importance under current conditions. I salute all our engineers for coming out to help our fellow citizens at the time of need under extremely difficult conditions.
Please take care of yourselves while using your abilities to help those in need. Being healthy helps not only you and your families, but also all our fellow citizens. By working together and by adhering to professional advice, we will be able to battle COVID 19.
Eng. Prof S B S Abayakoon
President - IESL 2019/2020